Integrated Project, Process & Product Lifecycle Management

As marketeers at ProductDossier we always try & make thing simple & logical. Today our concept of 3PLM (Project, Process & Product Lifecycle Management) is quite well accepted & appreciated. And why not? It makes perfect sense. At the heart of everything is Product. You may build your own product or provide a component or service to help your customer build the final product. So in either of the case, you will initiate a concept of project or program. Now during the execution of the project there will be multiple processes which will come into action to make the execution successful.Continue reading “Integrated Project, Process & Product Lifecycle Management”

Need simpler way of Innovation, look beyond your industry!

One hour ago, as i was stepping out of my car in the parking lot, i saw a bunch of kids playing with color & water. This further told me that ‘Holi’ (a festival in India played by putting color & water on each other and with lots to drink & eat)  has arrived. I was almost tempted to join them & for a moment my childhood memories came alive. However as i look further,  i realize each one of them were carrying water pumps (read Pichkari). The pump was not new to me but i also saw that each one of them were carrying a water tank on their back and there was a constant water supply from this tank to the pump. The first reaction was “Wow”.Continue reading “Need simpler way of Innovation, look beyond your industry!”

Can I Use Project Management? Yes ofcourse!

Last year i was in PMI conference in Mumbai. The conference was about the several aspects of project management including tools, applications etc. There was this speaker who spoke passionately about how application of project management principles changed his & his wife’s life for good. They were married for 10 years & wanted to start family for a long time. However, the success kept eluded them. Wife went through post to pillar with multiple consultations, followups etc. She followed every advice that came her way, both medicinal and religious. Still there was no success and there was no reason not to be successful either.Continue reading “Can I Use Project Management? Yes ofcourse!”

ProductDossier Blog

Good Morning Everyone out there. We are happy to be introducing this new ProductDossier blog. I have been communicating with customers over the last few years and some of those discussion around the nature of solution, delivery method and most importantly the art of making every enterprise implementation a success. All these discussions and execution there of have been immensely thought-provoking and immense learning. We would like to continue this process with a much larger reach through this platform. I am looking forward to the sheer joy of communication with all of you out there.